May 11, 2015 KINETICS

Skills/Organizational Bank

The Baltimore United for Change coalition would like to thank everyone for reaching out to us, and wanting to connect. It has been beautiful to see so many people in Baltimore come together during this time. Like many of you, we have been trying to navigate so many pieces and layers to serve the community, tend to the need of jailed protesters, the homeless, support our school children, and provide trainings while all along maintaining our lives.

Baltimore United for Change (BUC) is a coalition of organizations and activists with a long track record of working for social justice in Baltimore. The BUC coalition came together three days after the murder of Freddie Gray, and hit the ground running. Through our coalition and with your support, we have been able to raise over $100,000 for jail support. Of those arrested 229 were released, 97 wear bailed out and 33 people are still in jail (19 of them have bails greater than $50,000; 1 for $500,000). When Baltimore City schools were closed and throughout the week our partners provided safe spaces and fed thousands of students and families throughout the city.

The issues facing Black Baltimore are vast and require a diverse skill set. Many of you have various skills, talents, love and appreciation for Baltimore and want to see the community flourish – we welcome you and ask that you add your organization, institution or self to the skills/organizational bank; Working collaboratively we can begin to meet the needs of the community.  It is our goal to move beyond “reActivism” and build a holistic community network for sustainable, long-term change in Baltimore.

In love & service,

Jamye Wooten
Baltimore United for Change Coalition


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